uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs are a MICROPROCESSOR. To date, there have been 478 terminations. An architecture based on 64 bits is used. 1.66GHz is the CPU's frequency. Datasheets for 478 pin functions can be found here. The embedded microprocessor is a typical Microprocessors. With a width of 64, this CPU has a wide external data bus. If the temperature is higher than 100°C, the microprocessor should not operate. A total of 478 pins are injected into the CPU microprocessor's body. This CPU is widely used in a variety of applications with its Through Hole mounting. It is expected that the CPU will reach a top frequency of 1.66GHz. It is possible to use the micro processor from 1.5V. CPU voltages cannot exceed 34000mA. A voltage greater than 1.575V should not normally be applied to the embedded microprocessor. It is recommended to feed the CPU microprocessor with a voltage of 1.425V.
LF80539GF0282MESL9DM Features
64-Bit Structure
LF80539GF0282MESL9DM Applications
There are a lot of Intel LF80539GF0282MESL9DM Microprocessor applications.