The analogue to digital converter is designed with 14 Bits.The ADC converter is equipped with 1 Functions .There are 24 terminations in this electrical AD converter, which are the practice of ending a transmission line with a device that matches the characteristic impedance of the line.The analogue to digital converter is powered from a supply voltage of 5V.The A/D converter has 1 channels.There are ADC, FLASH METHOD converters based on the source input voltage and the output voltage.The Sample/Track and Hold component of this electronic AD converter provides a way to sample a continuously varying analog signal and to hold or freeze its value for SAMPLE time.The output formats of this electrical AD converter are PARALLEL, WORD , which are used to determine which data is exported and how data is displayed in many areas of OLIB.The maximal analog input voltage of this electrical AD converter is 2V.The minimal analog input voltage of this electrical AD converter is -2V.The operating temperature should not exceed 125°C.The maximal supply current amounts to 230mA.The minimal operating temperature should exceed -55°C.
ADS-943MM-C Features
1 Functions 24 basic kinds of terminations
ADS-943MM-C Applications
There are a lot of Datel ADS-943MM-C ADC applications.