Since the microprocessor is packed in BGA, shipping overseas is convenient. High reliability is achieved by using advanced packaging methods Bulk. It is a SERIAL IO/COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER, LAN in terms of uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. The total number of terminations is 357. Turning on and running the embedded microprocessor with a 3V voltage supply should be possible. A CPU operates at a frequency of 25MHz. 3.3V is its maximum supply current. There is a wide width of 32 on the external data bus of this CPU. Temperatures above 70°C should not be used with the microprocessor. Injection of 357 pins into the body of the embedded microprocessor is carried out. A 1-core CPU is used here. 4 serial I/O is set up to communicate data between peripherals.
MC68MH360ZP25VL Features
1-Core CPU
MC68MH360ZP25VL Applications
There are a lot of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (NXP Semiconductors) MC68MH360ZP25VL Microprocessor applications.