Since the microprocessor is packed in BGA, shipping overseas is convenient. It is a MICROPROCESSOR in terms of uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. In total, 783 terminations have been made. Using a 1.1V voltage supply, the microprocessor should turn on and run. 32-Bit is its architecture. The datasheets for 783 pins provide details. There is a maximum supply current of 1.155V in this microprocessor. Typical Microprocessors cpu microprocessor. The bandwidth required to transfer data is 32b. Using the microprocessor in an environment above 105°C is not recommended. 783 pins are injected into the part body. CPU frequency will reach 800MHz at the top. From 1.1V onwards, the CPU microprocessor can operate. The datasheet specifies that this CPU microprocessor requires 1.22.5/3.3V power supply.
MPC8545VTANGA Features
32-Bit Structure 32b-Bit Data Bus Width
MPC8545VTANGA Applications
There are a lot of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (NXP Semiconductors) MPC8545VTANGA Microprocessor applications.
Robotic prosthetic limbs
Food and beverage
Information appliances (networking of household appliances)