The product is packaged in FFC/FPC CONNECTOR.Surface Mount, Right Angle is the mounting type.Packaging for the product is carried out via a Tape & Reel (TR) case.As a product of the FH12 Series, it can be found in this category.There are also other features such as TAPE AND REEL PACKAGING, to name only a few.With its Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) feature, it is more powerful in many ways.In this case, Surface Mount mounts the part.The device is operating at -40°C~85°C Operating Temperature.
FH12-10S-0.5SH(55) Features
FH12 series
FH12-10S-0.5SH(55) Applications
There are a lot of Hirose Electric Co Ltd FH12-10S-0.5SH(55) FFC, FPC (Flat Flexible) Connectors applications.