In it, there are 24 terminations to be found. Microprocessors are specifically designed to use this clock-generating IC, which has a 24-bit output. PF synthesizers is equipped with 24 pins. Electronic frequency generator can operate at low temperatures and can perform -40°C operations at a time. The RF synthesizer can still operate at 85°C with attenuated performance. PLL clock can handle a voltage of 3.465V as its supply voltage. The device is usually classified as a type of Clock Generators device. Clock PLL has 7 signal outputs to maximi7e output frequency. For the time clock generator to operate properly, 30mA of supply current are required. A supply current exceeding 42mA may cause an element to melt.
5P49V5927A000NLGI Features
Operating supply voltage of 3.465V
5P49V5927A000NLGI Applications
There are a lot of Integrated Device Technology (IDT) 5P49V5927A000NLGI Clock Generators applications.