As far as memory types are concerned, RAM, SDR, SRAM is considered to be its memory type. In addition, memory ics is available in a Bulk case as well. In the case of TQFP, it is embedded within the case. A memory chip with a capacity of 512kB is used on this device. The memory device has an 100-pin package, which encloses it in a small package. I have noticed that the memory device has 100 pins, which indicates that it has 100 locations in the memory. According to the datasheet, this memory chip operates at an operating voltage of 3.3V. In this chip, the Through Hole mounting method is used, a straightforward, high-efficiency mounting method. The memory chip has 1 ports for granting read/write access to one memory address. Temperatures below 0°C should not be used with this memory ics. It is recommended that operation of the part be restricted to temperatures not exceeding 70°C, otherwise damage to the part may occur as a result of overheating. It is recommended that this part be supplied with at least 3.135V volts. The operating voltage shall not exceed 3.465V. A memory chip of this type can operate at a maximum frequency of 133MHz.