There are two types of analog ICs in this voltage regulator 12v: SWITCHING REGULATOR ICs, which are the ones used in older voltage regulator 12vs. A regulator voltage's peak reflow temperature amounts to 240 being indestructible. The voltage regulator 12v is designed to provide a nominal input voltage of 3.3V for operation. In terms of category, this voltage regulator 12v falls into the Switching Regulator or Controllers category. 85°C is the DC DC switching regulator's maximum operating temperature. In order to achieve optimum performance, the minimum operating temperature should exceed -40°C. It is operated at the maximal switching frequency of 440kHz when this harley voltage regulator is operating. As much as 6A A can be output by the voltage regulators at the top. Using a unique technique, it is possible to permit the dc to dc voltage regulator's maximum input voltage. There is a dc to dc voltage regulator's minimum input voltage of 3V allowed by this voltage regulator dc to dc. With 28 pins, this voltage regulator is equipped with a number of features.
EL7554IRE-T13 Features
Peak reflow temperature (Cel) of 240 Maxium switching frequency of 440kHz
EL7554IRE-T13 Applications
There are a lot of Intersil Corporation EL7554IRE-T13 Voltage Regulators applications.