A Volatile-type memory can be classified as the memory type of this device. The case comes in the Tape & Reel (TR) style. It is available in 96-TFBGA case. There is an 1Gb 64M x 16 memory capacity on the chip. There is a DRAM-format memory used in this device, which is the memory format used by mainstream devices. The device's extended operating temperature range of -40°C~105°C TC makes it ideal for many demanding applications. The supply voltage can be up to 1.425V~1.575V. The recommended mounting type for memory ics is Surface Mount. A clock frequency rotation within 800MHz is used for the ic memory chip to rotate data. In this ic memory chip, there is an 96-pin package that encloses the device. There is a note stating that this memory chip operates at 1.5V. In this chip, Surface Mount mounting is used, a straightforward, high-efficiency mounting method. Memory chip's nominal supply current is 210mA.