Volatile is the type of memory it has. The case comes in Tray size. In the case of 144-TFBGA, it is embedded within the case. The chip has an 288Mb 16M x 18 memory. In this device, the memory is of the DRAM-format, which is a popular format in the mainstream computing sector. With an extended designed operating temperature of -40°C~85°C TA, this device is capable of lots of demanding applications. A supply voltage of 1.7V~1.9V can be applied to it. There is a recommendation that Surface Mount mounting type should be used for this product. It is planted on the chip with 144 terminations. The comprehensive working procedure is supported by 1 functions in this part. The memory device designed for this application has been designed to be powered by an 1.8V power supply. There are 144 pins on the package of the memory device. The memory device has a total of 144 pins, thus indicating that it has a total of 144 memory locations. This chip features all the merits of a conventional chip, but it also features AUTO REFRESH to improve system performance. In this chip, there are 1 ports providing read and/or write access to one memory address. The power supply needed for this memory chip is only 1.5/ . There are SEPARATE-bit addresses mapped into the memory for I/O ports on this device. In order to operate your device, you will need to provide a maximum supply current of 0.97mA. The memory runs at a maximum frequency of up to 400MHz cycles per second.