As far as its memory type goes, it falls into the Volatile category. It is supplied votage within Tray. Embedded in the 165-TBGA case, memory ics is a single file. A memory chip with a capacity of 18Mb 512K x 36 is used on this device. Memory data is stored in SRAM-format, which is common in mainstream devices. Due to its extended operating temperature range, the device is well suited for a wide range of demanding applications. It is capable of handling a voltage supply of 3.135V~3.465V. It is recommended that the mounting type be Surface Mount. The chip contains 165 terminations. As many as 1 functions are supported for comprehensive working. An 3.3V supply is required for this ic memory chip to operate properly. In the memory, there is a clock frequency rotation that ranges 133MHz. The memory device is enclosed in a package with an 165-pin connector. The memory device has 165 pins, which means that it has 165 memory locations, which indicates it is an 165-bit device. Despite all its benefits, this memory chip also offers PIPELINED ARCHITECTURE, FLOW-THROUGH for improved system performance. This memory chip requires only 2.5/3.33.3V of power. I/O port addresses in this device are mapped to COMMON bits from the device's memory. The device is able to run from a max supply current of 0.275mA , so it can be used in any environment.