This kind of FPGA is composed of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY. Fpga chips is programmed wFpga chipsh 224 I/Os for transferring data in a more coherent manner. Fpga chips is powered from a supply voltage of 3.3V. There are 209 outputs incorporated in this device. Fpga chips is designed wFpga chipsh 256 terminations. Fpga electronics is designed wfpga electronics h 256 pins. When operating with the supply voltage of 5V, designers can fully make use of its flexibility. Fpga electronics operates from a 3.3V power supply. The maximal operating temperature of this module reaches 70°C. The operating temperature should be higher than 0°C. Fpga semiconductor is equipped wfpga semiconductorh 256 pin count. Its basic building block is composed of 724 logic blocks (LABs). 196 CLBs are basic modules used for its architecture. Fpga semiconductor incorporates 784 logic cells used for the building block. The maximum frequency of this FPGA is around 277.78MHz. Fpga semiconductor is also characteriMAXIMUM USABLE GATES 21600ed by a feature called MAXIMUM USABLE GATES 21600. 9400 equivalent gates are used for the design implement in the FPGA.