In the package 285-TFBGA, this product is provided. There are FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY transistors in this type of FPGA. The device has 118 I/O ports for more coherent data transfer. A fundamental building block contains 44000 logic elements or cells. Surface Mount-connectors can be used to attach this FPGA module to the development board. Fpga chips operates at a voltage of 1.045V~1.155V and uses a battery to supply power. The ECP5 series FPGA is a type of FPGA that belongs to the ECP5 family of FPGAs. Fpga chips is important to maintain the operating temperature wFpga chipshin the range of -40°C~100°C TJ when operating the machine. There is an FPGA model contained in Tray in order to conserve space. The RAM bits that this device offer is 1990656. A total of 11000 LABs/CLBs make up this FPGA array.
LFE5U-45F-7MG285I Features
118 I/Os Up to 1990656 RAM bits
LFE5U-45F-7MG285I Applications
There are a lot of Lattice Semiconductor Corporation LFE5U-45F-7MG285I FPGAs applications.
Automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)