In the package 388-BBGA, this product is provided. The device has 268 I/O ports for more coherent data transfer. There are 15000 logic elements/cells to form a fundamental building block. The Surface Mount-slot on the development board allows you to attach the FPGA module. There is a 1.14V~1.26V-volt supply voltage required for the device to operate. The XP series FPGA is a type of FPGA that belongs to the XP family of FPGAs. During the operation of the system, the operating temperature should remain within the range of 0°C~85°C TJ. Using the Tray layout, this FPGA model can be contained in a very small amount of space. This device is equipped with 331776 RAM bits in terms of its RAM si331776e. In order to find related parts, use the part number LFXP15 as a base. It is crucial that the RAM si40.5kBe of this FPGA module reaches 40.5kB so that the program can run normally. In this case, there are 388 pins on the board. Providing that this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, it will be able to perform according to its specifications in a flawless manner. Designers can fully utilize its flexibility with 1.2V supply voltage. There are 4 gates in its basic building block. There are a total of 388 pins on this device. There are a total of 1875 logic blocks (LABs) that form the basic building blocks of this program. Programs and data can be stored in the 48.1kB memory embedded in this FPGA module. A FPGA of this type can achieve a speed as high as 400MHz.
LFXP15E-5FN388C Features
268 I/Os Up to 331776 RAM bits 388 LABs/CLBs 1875 logic blocks (LABs)
LFXP15E-5FN388C Applications
There are a lot of Lattice Semiconductor Corporation LFXP15E-5FN388C FPGAs applications.
Military Temperature
Server Applications
Data Center
Data center search engines
Development Boards and Shields for Microcontrollers