uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. Overall, there are 409 terminations. An example of a Graphics Processors microprocessor can be found here. Micro processor body consists of 409 pins. CPU microprocessor clock frequency is 13.002MHz. normal operation of the microprocessor should not require the device to be powered by a voltage higher than 3.3V. A voltage of 1.8V is recommended for feeding the embedded microprocessor. A setting of over -25°C is recommended for the operating environment.
88AP303-A1-BGF2C624-TN22 Features
88AP303-A1-BGF2C624-TN22 Applications
There are a lot of Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 88AP303-A1-BGF2C624-TN22 Microprocessor applications.