Packed in 16-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm), the electronic component is convenient for shipping overseas. Advanced packaging method Tube is used to provide high reliability. It is mounted in the position Through Hole. There is 4:1 ratio between the number of multiplexers and demultiplexers. Extended operating temperature around 0°C~70°C TA. Total terminations are 16. The electronic part delivers high-quality output through its 4 channels. A 15V voltage supply should turn on and run the electronic component. An electrical component of this type can be found in the 16 series. Based on SP4T switching circuits, these analog multiplexers work. A 2 circuit is present in this switch device. Look for analog switch ic variants by searching with MAX4509. A analogue multiplexer of this type is a Multiplexer or Switches. An analog IC with the number SINGLE-ENDED MULTIPLEXER is integrated into this board. This electrical component also includes additional features such as FAULT PROTECTED.