In the package 84-LCC (J-Lead), this product is provided. Having 62 I/Os makes data transfers more coherent. The basic building blocks of logic contain 1024 logic elements/cells. The Surface Mount-slot connector on the FPGA module can be connected to the development board. A supply voltage of 3V~3.6V is needed in order for fpga chips to operate. FPGAs belonging to the AT40KAL series are a type of FPGA that belong to the AT40KAL series of FPGAs. Fpga chips is recommended that the operating temperature be kept wFpga chipshin the range 0°C~70°C while the machine is operating. Fpga chips is designed to maximiTubee space efficiency by containing the FPGA model in Tube. There are 8192 RAM bits that are available with this device. For related parts, use its base part number AT40K20. 30000 gates make up the basic block of its construction. This device package is supplied by 84-PLCC (29.31x29.31).
AT40K20AL-1AJC Features
62 I/Os Up to 8192 RAM bits
AT40K20AL-1AJC Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology AT40K20AL-1AJC FPGAs applications.