A clock integrated circuit is packaged in a Tube-shaped package because it is for use as a clock. There is a clock generator embedded in the SOT-23-6 package. As you can see, it consists of 6 terminations. To operate this time clock generator, 2.5V voltage should be applied. As the Clock PLL's input, HCSL, Crystal is designed to be used in order to generate the clock signal. For full access to the electronic component's capabilities, 1 circuits are implemented. This clock-based frequency generator provides a frequency up to 125MHz Max. Because of the Surface Mount, clock PLL can be easily mounted on the panel. This time clock generator integrates CLOCK GENERATOR, PROCESSOR SPECIFIC uPs, uCs, and peripheral ICs. In terms of supply voltage, RF synthesizer works with 2.25V~3.63V. Test statistics estimate a temperature of -40°C~85°C, which should be set as the ambient temperature. The RF synthesizer is compatible with LVCMOS logic levels. According to the base part number, its related parts can be founded.
PL602-22TI Features
Available in the SOT-23-6 Supply voltage of 2.5V
PL602-22TI Applications
There are a lot of Microchip Technology PL602-22TI Clock Generators applications.
Telecommunication systems
Ultrasound diagnosis
Digital logic circuits
Navigation, positioning and surveillance system for aircraft, ships and ships