Its memory type can be classified as Non-Volatile. You can get memory ics in a Tray case. The file is embedded in a 52-VLGA case. Memory size on the chip is 64Gb 8G x 8. There is a mainstream memory format used by this device, which is called FLASH-format memory. Due to its wide operating temperature range, this device can be used in a wide variety of demanding applications. A supply voltage of 2.7V~3.6V can be applied to it. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. Similar parts are frequently selected using the ic memory chip's base part number, MT29F64G08. There are 52 pins on the package of the memory device. This memory runs on an 3.3V operating supply voltage. Memory ics must operate at a temperature of at least 0°C. As a general rule, memory ics is recommended that the product be operated at temperatures no higher than 70°Cc, otherwise, damage could be done to it.