In the package 144-LBGA, this product is provided. The device has 97 I/O ports for more coherent data transfer. Using a Surface Mount connector, you can mount this FPGA module on the development board. There is a 1.425V~1.575V-volt supply voltage required for the device to operate. The ProASIC3 Series is one of the types of FPGAs that belong to this type. During the operation of the system, the operating temperature should remain within the range of 0°C~85°C TJ. Unlike other FPGA models, this one is contained in Tray for the sake of space saving. The RAM bits that are offered by this fpga chips are 110592. Its base part number A3P600 can be used to find related parts. The FPGA module's RAM si13.5kBe reaches 13.5kB in order to ensure that the program operates in a normal manner. Fpga electronics is designed wfpga electronics h 144 pins. Providing that this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, it will be able to perform according to its specifications in a flawless manner. Its flexibility can be fully utilized when operating with a 1.5V supply voltage. When this module is operated at its maximum operating temperature, it reaches 70°C. Over 0°C should be the operating temperature. The building block that forms the basis of the system contains 600000 gates. To store and transfer data, there are 13824 registers that are used. There is a maximum supply voltage of 1.575V that is supported by this product. Fpga semiconductor is able to work wfpga semiconductorh the minimal supply voltage of 1.425V. There is a possibility that this FPGA will be able to reach a speed of 310MHz. It employs 144-FPBGA (13x13) as its supplier device package.
A3P600-2FG144 Features
97 I/Os Up to 110592 RAM bits 144 LABs/CLBs 70°C gates 13824 registers
A3P600-2FG144 Applications
There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation A3P600-2FG144 FPGAs applications.
Medical imaging
ASIC prototyping
Defense Applications
Development Boards and Shields for Microcontrollers