In the package 896-BGA, this product is provided. FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY is the component of this type of FPGA. The I/Os are designed to facilitate a more coherent transfer of data. An electrical supply voltage of 1.5V powers it. The Field Programmable Gate Arrays family of FPGA parts includes this part. Using a Surface Mount connector, you can mount this FPGA module on the development board. This device is powered by a 1.425V~1.575V battery. The FPGA belongs to the ProASIC3E series of FPGAs, and it is one type of FPGA. During the operation of the system, the operating temperature should remain within the range of -40°C~100°C TJ. During the installation of this device, 620 outputs were incorporated. Fpga chips is designed to maximiTraye space efficiency by containing the FPGA model in Tray. Total terminations are 896. This device is equipped with 516096 RAM bits in terms of its RAM si516096e. M1A3PE3000 is the base part number that can be used to identify related parts. A significant amount of RAM is allocated to this FPGA module to ensure that the program can operate normally. In this case, there are 896 pins on the board. As long as this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, it should be able to function as it should in terms of its specifications, as well as its capabilities. Designers can fully utilize its flexibility with 1.5V supply voltage. As a basic building block, fpga semiconductor consists of 3000000 gates. As a result, there are 75264 registers which are used to store and transfer data. This FPGA can get as fast as 272MHz.
M1A3PE3000-1FGG896I Features
620 I/Os Up to 516096 RAM bits 896 LABs/CLBs 75264 registers
M1A3PE3000-1FGG896I Applications
There are a lot of Microsemi Corporation M1A3PE3000-1FGG896I FPGAs applications.