The Mill-Max 317-43-116-41-005000 is a 16-position socket designed for use with integrated circuits (ICs) and transistors. It features a .070" square post contact with a gold finish for reliable electrical connections. The socket is designed to provide a secure connection between the IC or transistor and the circuit board, and is suitable for use in a variety of applications.
Features of the Mill-Max 317-43-116-41-005000 include: • 16-position socket • .070" square post contact • Gold finish • Secure connection • Suitable for use with ICs and transistors
The Mill-Max 317-43-116-41-005000 socket is suitable for use in a variety of applications, including consumer electronics, automotive, industrial, and medical. It is designed to provide a reliable connection between the IC or transistor and the circuit board, and is suitable for use in high-density applications.