The electronic component is convenient to ship overseas because it is packed in a 16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width). This high-reliability packaging method uses advanced packaging methods Tube. This analog switch is mounted in Surface Mount. The ratio between the number of multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits is 2:1. Around -40°C~125°C TA is the extended operating temperature. A total of 16 terminations have been recorded. The electronic part delivers high-quality output through its 1 channels. An 6V voltage supply should allow the electrical part to be turned on and run. The electronic part body is injected with 16 pins. SPDT switching circuits are used in these analog switch ics. It consists of 3 circuits. 74HC4053 can be used to search for analog multiplexer variants. The functions of 16 pins can be found in the datasheets. It is integrated with a SINGLE-ENDED MULTIPLEXER analog IC.