PS1021ASN7HNB is a single IGBT with a Voltage - Collector Emitter Breakdown (Max) of 1200V from Infineon Technologies. PS1021ASN7HNB operates between -40°C~150°C TJ, and its Max Collector Current is 25A. The PS1021ASN7HNB has 35 pins and it is available in Module packaging way. PS1021ASN7HNB has a 1200V Voltage - Collector Emitter Breakdown (Max) value.
PS1021ASN7HNB Features
Input Capacitance (Cies) @ Vce: 2.8nF @ 25V
Vce(on) (Max) @ Vge, Ic: 2.15V @ 15V, 50A
Voltage - Collector Emitter Breakdown (Max): 1200V