The AVR? CPU with hardware multiplier is used by the AVR128DB28/32/48/64 microcontrollers of the AVR? DB family of microcontrollers, and it operates at clock rates up to 24 MHz. They have 512 bytes of EEPROM, 128 KB of Flash, and 16 KB of SRAM. The microcontrollers come in packages with 28, 32, 48, and 64 pins. With a versatile and low-power architecture, the AVR? DBfamily employs the most recent technologies from Microchip, including Event System, precise analog subsystems, and cutting-edge digital peripherals.
PT1023PSE7MQA Features
8 KB In-System self-programmable Flash memory
32B of user row in nonvolatile memory that can keep data during chip-erase and be programmed while thedevice is locked