20-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) contains it. Tube is the way in which it is packaged. It uses Tri-State as the output. There is a logic type of D-Type Transparent Latch associated with this electrical device. Mounting this electronic component follows the Surface Mount method. It operates with a supply voltage of 2V~6V. The temperature at which the machine is operating is -40°C~125°C. The 74HC series of FPGAs is the one this FPGA belongs to. There are 8 bits in this electronic part. As far as this device is concerned, it has no terminations. 74HC563 is the family name of it. The device is operated when the supply voltage is set to 5V. There are 20 pins attached to it. HC/UH is the family of this electronic device. This device is equipped with 2 ports. FF/Latches is the subcategory of this part. It reaches a maximum supply voltage (Vsup) of 6V. A total of 2/6V power supplies are needed to run it. (Vsup) should be greater than 2V. There is also BROADSIDE VERSION OF 533 characteristics to it.
74HC563D,652 Features
20-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) package 74HC series 8 Bits 74HC563 family 20 pin count 2/6V power supplies
74HC563D,652 Applications
There are a lot of NXP USA Inc. 74HC563D,652 Latches applications.