A 8-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) package is included. As part of this package, the Tube package is included. As well as the Surface Mount version, it is available. Differential output is fully functional on this device. It uses AND/NAND Gate logic communication type. At -40°C~85°C, operating temperatures have been extended. It contains 2 Input (1, 1) inputs. The product belongs to the 100LVEL series. It operates using 3V~3.8V power supply. The part includes terminations in the shape of a 8. To find more parts that are similar, search 100LVEL05. The pins are joined using 8 pins. Installation and disassembly are facilitated by the device's Surface Mount design. Logic gate applications are handled by this 8 solution. The normal voltage needed for the part is 3.3V. It is a Gates that is for specialiGatesed needs. It is enclosed within a RAIL package of the highest quality. In order to be able to operate this device, the user should be aware that it requires 3V or higher voltage to turn on. As part of the compact package, 1 gates are included. The device uses 2 outputs. In the output ends, this part generates 50A current. In general, -4.5V power supplies are required to power the device.