The electrical component comes in 16-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm) packaging, which makes it convenient to ship overseas. The advanced packaging method Tube provides high reliability. There is an analog multiplexer mounted in position Through Hole. Multiplexers and demultiplexers have the same number of circuits 1:1. Around -55°C~125°C TA is the extended operating temperature. Total terminations are 16. Due to its 1 channels, the electrical component produces high-quality output. When a voltage supply of 4.5V is used, the electronic component should be turned on and run. An electrical component of this type can be found in the 16 series. Based on SPST - NO/NC switching circuits, these analog multiplexers work. Circuits number 4 make up this analogue multiplexer. Search with MC74HC4316A if you are looking for analog multiplexer variants. Analog switches have 130Ohm internal resistance. Datasheets for functions of 16 pins are available. It is a typical Multiplexer or Switches analog multiplexer. The analog switch ic is of the Dual supply type and is cost-effective. For this multiplexer to operate, 40μA current would be sufficient. As far as the outputs go, this switch multiplexer utilizes SEPARATE OUTPUT of them. A voltage of 6V can be used to operate the electronic component. 150MHz-bandwidths can be used to transfer data between multiplexers.