As the electronic part is packed in 16-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width), international shipping is convenient. In order to provide high reliability, an advanced packaging method Tape & Reel (TR) is used. This analog switch is mounted in Surface Mount. Multiplexers and demultiplexers have a number of circuits 2:1. Increasing operating temperature to around -55°C~85°C TA. 16 terminations have been made so far. The electronic part provides high-quality output because it has 2 channels. When a voltage supply of 3V is used, the electronic component should be turned on and run. As part of the design of the 16 series, this electronic part has been incorporated into the system. Circuits based on SPDT switching are used to construct these analog switch ics. Circuits number 3 make up this analogue multiplexer. MC74LVXT8053 can be used to search for analog multiplexer variants. It has an internal resistance of 30Ohm. The datasheets for the 16 pins explain the functions. This switch device is a typical Multiplexer or Switches. Users should never supply a voltage higher than 6V to a switch device. The digital multiplexer has a low cost Single supply. It is recommended that the electrical component receives a voltage of 2V. The switch device would be able to operate with 40μA current. Analogue multiplexers require a 2V~6V voltage to drain from a single voltage supply. In order to operate the 6 inputs, there are several steps to follow. In 120MHz-bandwidths, data can be transferred.
MC74LVXT8053MELG Features
2 Channels Switch Circuit: SPDT 40μA Supply Current Bandwidth: 120MHz
MC74LVXT8053MELG Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor MC74LVXT8053MELG Analog Switches & Multiplexers ICs applications.