6-TSSOP, SC-88, SOT-363is the packaging method. It is included in the package Tape & Reel (TR). It is configured with Non-Invertedas an output. It is configured with a trigger that uses a value of Positive Edge. In this case, the electronic component is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. A voltage of 1.65V~5.5Vis required for its operation. It is operating at -40°C~85°C TA. A flip flop of this type is classified as a D-Type. It belongs to the 7SZseries of FPGAs. This D flip flop should not have a frequency greater than 175MHz. During its operation, it consumes 1μA quiescent energy. If you search by 7SZ175, you will find similar parts. Its input capacitance is 3pFfarads. The electronic part is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. 6pins are included in its design. Edge triggering is a type of triggering that allows a circuit to become active at the positive edge or the negative edge of the clock signal. The clock edge trigger type of this device is Positive Edge. This input has 1lines.
NC7SZ175P6X-F080 Features
Tape & Reel (TR) package 7SZ series 6 pins
NC7SZ175P6X-F080 Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor NC7SZ175P6X-F080 Flip Flops applications.