Based on the frequency of 2.88MHz, it operates.It is configured with 12 pins as its base.The mount is in the direction of Surface Mount.The output voltage is 6.3V.The minimal input voltage is 1.7V.There is 6V maximum value for supply current.It is important not to exceed 85°C in order to ensure stable operation.It is essential to maintain a temperature greater than -30°C in order to achieve stable operation.In order to power systems, 3.6V voltage is needed.When operating with a 63.7mA output current, the LED driver delivers all the benefits.It is not recommended to exceed 6.3V in the output voltage.It maintains a minimum voltage of -300mV.A total of 3 channels are available for transmission.
AN30259C-PR Features
Frequency of 2.88MHz Operating with the supply voltage of 3.6V
AN30259C-PR Applications
There are a lot of Panasonic AN30259C-PR LED Driver ICs applications.