This electronic part is conveniently packaged in SOT-23-6, making it easy to ship abroad. The advanced packaging method Tape & Reel (TR) provides high reliability. There is an analog multiplexer mounted in position Surface Mount. 1:1 is the ratio of multiplexer to demultiplexer circuits. Operational temperature extended around -40°C~85°C TA. Total terminations are 6. The electronic part provides high-quality output because it has 1 channels. When a voltage supply of 3V is used, the electronic component should be turned on and run. These analog multiplexers are built based on SPST - NC switching circuits. The multiplexer consists of 1 circuits. ISL54505 can be used to search for analog multiplexer variants. A voltage of 1.8V~5.5V is required for this switch device, which drains from a single voltage source.