The microprocessor is conveniently packaged in QFN, making it easy to ship internationally. This is a MICROCONTROLLER for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. Total terminations are 20. In the case of a 2.1V voltage supply, the embedded microprocessor should be turned on and run. A 8-Bit architecture is used. CPUs operate at 25MHz Hz. For functions of 20 pins, please refer to the datasheets. Temperatures above 125°C are not suitable for operating the microprocessor. RAM (Random Access Memory) is designed to be 256B. The embedded microprocessor should not be supplied with a voltage higher than 5.25V. 2V should be the lowest voltage fed to the CPU microprocessor. 16 I/Os are used by CPU programs to transfer data. 8kB is the size of the CPU's memory. It is possible to tell how busy the CPU is by using 3 counters.
C8051F530-C-AM Features
8-Bit Structure 256B RAM 16 I/Os
C8051F530-C-AM Applications
There are a lot of Silicon Labs C8051F530-C-AM Microprocessor applications.