Package 16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) includes it. Tape & Reel (TR) is the way in which it is packaged. Differential is used for the output it is configured with. In this electrical device, the logic type is D-Type Transparent Latch. The way in which this electronic part is mounted is Surface Mount. It operates with a supply voltage of 2V~6V. There is a temperature of -55°C~125°C at which the system operates. There are a number of FPGAs in this series, including this one. The electronic part in this image has 4 bits. A device such as this has 16 terminations designed. M74HC75 is the family name of it. With the supply voltage set at 4.5V, it is able to operate. 16 pins are provided. HC/UH is the family of this electronic device. There are 16 pins on it. The electronic part is mounted in a way that corresponds to Surface Mount. Subcategory FF/Latches includes this part. It reaches a maximum supply voltage (Vsup) of 6V. The supply voltage (Vsup) should be greater than 2V. Considering the reliability of this device, it would be a good candidate for TAPE AND REEL. A binary equivalent of the input line is generated by the 4 output lines. There are 2 elements in it.
M74HC75RM13TR Features
16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) package 74HC series 4 Bits M74HC75 family 16 pin count 16 pins 2 elements
M74HC75RM13TR Applications
There are a lot of STMicroelectronics M74HC75RM13TR Latches applications.