The package that contains this software is called PLCC. There are 27 I/Os for better data transfer. In order for the device to operate, a supply voltage of 3.3V volts needs to be provided. Part of the Other Microprocessor ICs family, this FPGA part is a programmable gate array. In total, it has a total of 52 terminations. When this module is operated at its maximum operating temperature, it reaches 70°C. A higher operating temperature than 0°C is recommended. As a basic building block, fpga semiconductor consists of 2000 gates. A total of 52 pins are included in this device. This device is capable of supporting a maximum supply voltage of 3.6V. Using 3V as the minimum supply voltage, fpga semiconductor can operate. This memory is designed for storing data and avoiding resource conflicts.
PSD954F2V-90J Features
27 I/Os 70°C gates
PSD954F2V-90J Applications
There are a lot of STMicroelectronics PSD954F2V-90J FPGAs applications.