The electronic component is convenient to ship overseas because it is packed in a 16-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm). A high level of reliability can be achieved through the use of an advanced packaging method Tube. In Through Hole, you'll find this switch device. Multiplexers and demultiplexers have the same number of circuits 2:1. Extended operating temperature around -55°C~125°C TA. In total, there are 16 terminations. A 3 channel electronic part produces high-quality output. A 4.5V voltage supply should turn on and run the electronic component. An injection of 16 pins is performed into the body of the electrical component. Based on SPDT switching circuits, these analog multiplexers work. The circuits in this analogue multiplexer number 3. Using the 74HCT4053 search parameter, you can discover variants of the switch. This digital multiplexer has 130Ohm internal resistance. The datasheets for the 16 pins explain the functions. There is Multiplexer or Switches analog multiplexer like this in the world. normally, users should not supply switches with voltages higher than 5.5V. The analog switch ic is of the Dual, Single supply type and is cost-effective. It is recommended that the electrical component receives a voltage of 4.5V. For this switch device, it is feasible to have two supplies. However, the voltage should not exceed 5V. When using dual power supplies, you should attach at least 1V. There is an integrated analog IC SINGLE-ENDED MULTIPLEXER in the module. This electrical part is compatible with 5V operating voltages. Operating 6 inputs is required. In 200MHz-bandwidths, data can be transferred. It can conduct in a 2-bit manner.