A convenient transport package is provided in 14-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm) .The comparator has a CMOS, MOS, Open-Collector, TTL output.The part will be shipped by Tube .Electronic comparator is possible to classify the chip as Differential .In total, it contains 4 elements.Electronic comparator is recommended that you mount the device using type Through Hole .Electronic comparator is recommended that the operating temperature be set to 0°C~70°C to prevent malfunctions.Search LM339 to find more pin-to-pin solutions.
LM339ANG4 Features
CMOS, MOS, Open-Collector, TTL output capability Differential IC Employing 4 elements Operates under 0°C~70°C
LM339ANG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments LM339ANG4 linear comparators applications.