14-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width)is the packaging method. The package Tape & Reel (TR)contains it. In the configuration, Differentialis used as the output. This trigger uses the value Positive Edge. The electronic part is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. The JK flip flop operates with an input voltage of 2V~5.5V volts. It is operating at -55°C~125°C TA. This electronic flip flop is of type D-Type. FPGAs belonging to the 74AHCseries contain this type of chip. Its output frequency should not exceed 115MHz. Currently, there are 14 terminations. If you search by 74AHC74, you will find similar parts. A voltage of 3.3V is used to power it. The input capacitance of this JK flip flopis 2pF farads. An electronic device belonging to the family AHCcan be found here. This electronic part is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. This board has 14 pins. In this device, the clock edge trigger type is Positive Edge. This device is part of the FF/Latchesbase part number family. It is imperative that the supply voltage (Vsup) is maintained above 2Vin order to ensure normal operation. Due to its reliability, this T flip flop is well suited for TR. High efficiency requires the supply voltage to be maintained at 5V. In addition to its maximum design flexibility, the output current of the T flip flop is 8mA. There are no output lines on the JK flip flop. This D latch consumes 2μA quiescent current at all. A total of 2 channels are available.
SN74AHC74MPWREP Features
Tape & Reel (TR) package 74AHC series 14 pins
SN74AHC74MPWREP Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments SN74AHC74MPWREP Flip Flops applications.