Package 20-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width) includes it. As a result, it has a packaging of Tape & Reel (TR). It uses the output configuration Tri-State. There is D-Type Transparent Latch logic type for this electrical device. Mounting this electronic component follows the Surface Mount method. A 4.5V~5.5V supply voltage is required to operate it. It operates at -40°C~85°C degrees Celsius. The 74AHCT series is associated with this FPGA. This electronic part is designed with 8 Bits. In this device, there are 20 terminations that have been designed. The family 74AHCT373 includes it. The device is operated when the supply voltage is set to 5V. With 20 pins, it is equipped. In terms of electronic devices, this one is in the AHCT/VHCT/VT family. 20 pins are used in its design. The electronic part is mounted using the Surface Mount method. In this device, there are 2 ports. There is a subcategory of FF/Latches for this part. There is a maximum voltage supply (Vsup) that reaches 5.5V. A total of 5V power supplies are needed to run it. The supply voltage (Vsup) should be greater than 4.5V. An electronic circuit can be found on 8 input lines. Based on its reliable performance, this device is suitable for TR. Due to its 8mA output current, it offers maximum design flexibility. In order for the device to operate at its maximum power, the maximum power current (ICC) of 0.04mA is needed for operation.
SN74AHCT373NSR Features
20-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width) package 74AHCT series 8 Bits 74AHCT373 family 20 pin count 20 pins 5V power supplies
SN74AHCT373NSR Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments SN74AHCT373NSR Latches applications.
Network Switches
Buffer register
Bus system register with enable parallel lines at bus side