The electronic part can be shipped overseas conveniently because it is packaged in 16-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width). High reliability is achieved by using advanced packaging method Tube. This analog switch is mounted in Surface Mount. Multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits have a number 4:1. Operating temperature extended to -40°C~85°C TA. There are 16 terminations totally. A high-quality output is provided by the electrical component's 2 channels. It is safe to turn on and run the electronic component with a 2.5V voltage supply. Into the electrical component body are injected 16 pins. Multiplexers built on a SP4T switching circuit are built. It consists of 2 circuits. Look for analog switch ic variants by searching with 74LV4052. Internally, this switch multiplexer has a resistance of 100Ohm. The datasheets for the 16 pins explain the functions. It is a typical Multiplexer or Switches analog multiplexer. normally, users should not supply switches with voltages higher than 5.5V. Analog switch ics with Single supply type are cost-effective. 2V is the lowest voltage that should be fed to the electronic electronic part. The analogue multiplexer could operate on 20μA current. Draining from a single voltage supply, this analog switch requires a voltage of 2V~5.5V. There is an analog IC DIFFERENTIAL MULTIPLEXER integrated with this board. This analog switch ic utilizes SEPARATE OUTPUT output. Operating 8 inputs is required. There are 50MHz bandwidths for data transfer. The switch device is capable of conducting in a 4-bit mode.