It is a kind of electronic component that comes in a package of BGA.In order to use it, it has 272 terminations.Using 1.26V as the supply voltage, it operates.272 components have pins.The characteristics of this device allow it to be placed in the subcategory of Digital Signal Processors.A 1.23.3V electric power source is used to power it.It is also possible to add additional features to ALSO REQUIRES 3.3V SUPPLY with the help of this electronic component.The uPs/uCs/peripheral ICs of the device employ the DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER type.227.27MHz is the clock frequency.
TMS320C6713GDPX225 Features
Supplied in the BGA package DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER as uPs/uCs/Peripheral Ics
TMS320C6713GDPX225 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TMS320C6713GDPX225 DSP applications.