2.2MHz is the frequency in which it operates.There are 10 terminations that are designed to operate with it.The configuration of the board is built around 10 pins.Segments counted are 1.A voltage of 5.5V is produced by it.There are 10 pins on it.In addition, its characteristics are classified into Display Drivers.A minimal input voltage of 2.5V is required for it to operate.6V is the maximum value of the supply current.For stable operation, the operating temperature should not exceed 85°C.For stable operation, the operating temperature should be higher than -40°C.It is necessary to have 6V voltages inside systems to power them.At maximum output current 1.2A, it will deliver all the benefits of a LED driver.There is no external factor that consumes current when there is 8.5mA current consumption.In this part, LED DISPLAY DRIVER represents the interface IC.The interface IC that the part is equipped with is indicated by 1.2A.
TPS61052DRCRG4 Features
Frequency of 2.2MHz Supply voltage of 3.6V Operating with the supply voltage of 6V
TPS61052DRCRG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TPS61052DRCRG4 LED Driver ICs applications.