The microprocessor is convenient for international shipping since it is packaged in LQFP. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs are a MICROCONTROLLER, RISC. To date, there have been 100 terminations. An architecture based on 32 bits is used. 40MHz is the CPU's frequency. Datasheets for 100 pin functions can be found here. To transfer data, there is a bandwidth of 32b. If the temperature is higher than 85°C, the microprocessor should not operate. A total of 100 pins are injected into the CPU microprocessor's body. This CPU is widely used in a variety of applications with its Surface Mount mounting. It is expected that the CPU will reach a top frequency of 40MHz. It is possible to use the micro processor from 3.3V. It is designed with 0 RAM (Random-Access Memory). A voltage greater than 3.6V should not normally be applied to the embedded microprocessor. It is recommended to feed the CPU microprocessor with a voltage of 2.7V. By using 79 I/Os, CPU programs transfer data. Memory size on the CPU is 128kB. CPU activity is measured by the 1 counters. A total of POR, WDT peripheral devices are connected to the CPU.
TMPM330FWFG Features
32-Bit Structure 32b-Bit Data Bus Width 8kB RAM 79 I/Os POR, WDT Peripherals
TMPM330FWFG Applications
There are a lot of Toshiba TMPM330FWFG Microprocessor applications.