It is embeded in 20-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) case. It is included in the package Tape & Reel (TR). Currently, the output is configured to use Tri-State, Non-Inverted. It is configured with the trigger Positive Edge. It is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. With a supply voltage of 4.5V~5.5V volts, it operates. A temperature of -40°C~85°C TAis used in the operation. This logic flip flop is classified as type D-Type. It belongs to the TC74VHCTseries of FPGAs. It should not exceed 130MHzin terms of its output frequency. There are 1 elements in it. Terminations are 20. It is a member of the 74VHCT374 family. A voltage of 5V provides power to the D latch. There is 4pF input capacitance for this T flip flop. An electronic device belonging to the family AHCT/VHCTcan be found here. A part of the electronic system is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. 20pins are included in its design. This device exhibits a clock edge trigger type of Positive Edge. It is included in FF/Latches. Considering its reliability, this T flip flop is well suited for TAPE AND REEL. The power supply is 5V. The flip flop has 2embedded ports. High efficiency requires the supply voltage to be maintained at 5V. In terms of quiescent current, it consumes 4μA .
TC74VHCT374AFTEL Features
Tape & Reel (TR) package TC74VHCT series 20 pins 5V power supplies
TC74VHCT374AFTEL Applications
There are a lot of Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TC74VHCT374AFTEL Flip Flops applications.