The electrical component comes in 16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) packaging, which makes it convenient to ship overseas. This packaging method provides high reliability because it uses advanced packaging techniques. There is an analog multiplexer mounted in position Surface Mount. Multiplexers and demultiplexers have the same number of circuits 1:1. Temperatures around -40°C~85°C TA are extended for operation. A total of 16 terminations have been recorded. The electronic part provides high-quality output because it has 1 channels. A 5V voltage supply should turn on and run the electronic component. Electronic part bodies are injected with 16 pins. A SPST - NO/NC switching circuit is used for these analog switches. 4 circuits are used in this analogue multiplexer. In this multiplexer, the internal resistance is 17Ohm. Multiplexer or Switches is a typical switch device. A voltage higher than 12V should not normally be supplied to the switches. The analog switch ic is of the Dual, Single supply type and is cost-effective. 2.7V is the lowest voltage that should be fed to the electronic electronic part. Put voltage above 1μA on the multiplexer to cause damage. Despite this switch's dual supply capability, its voltage should not exceed 6V. A dual power supply should have at least 3V voltage attached. A total of SEPARATE OUTPUT outputs are available on this analog switch ic.