In terms of its memory type, it can be classified as Volatile. Tray-cases are available. 96-TFBGA case encloses it. It is estimated that the memory size on the chip is 2Gb 128M x 16. This device uses takes advantage of the DRAM format. Due to its extended operating temperature range, the device is well suited for a wide range of demanding applications. A voltage of 1.283V~1.45V can be supplied to memory ics. A Surface Mount mounting type is recommended for this product. There are 96 terminations on the chip. There are 1 functions supported by this part as part of the comprehensive working process. Memory devices such as this one are designed to be powered by 1.35V and should be used as such. In order to operate effectively, the memory rotates at a clock frequency within a range of 933MHz. Despite all its benefits, this memory chip also offers AUTO/SELF REFRESH for improved system performance. In this chip, there are 1 ports providing read and/or write access to one memory address.