In the package PQFP, this product is provided. Fpga chips consists of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY elements. Supply voltage is 1.8V volts. In this device, 146 outputs are incorporated in order to provide you with maximum flexibility. In total, the terminations of this piece are 208. This is a battery operated device that operates on 1.2/3.61.8V. Fpga semiconductor typically uses a crystal oscillating at 357MHz. The architecture of the system is based on 1176 CLBs. It incorporates 5292 logic cells used for the building block. In order to keep this FPGA operating, its supply voltage should be higher than 1.71V. There are 71000 equivalent gates implemented by the FPGA in order to implement the design. A maximum operating temperature of 125°C °C should be observed when running the equipment. As a rule of thumb, the operating temperature should be at least -40°C.
XC2S200E6PQ208Q Features
XC2S200E6PQ208Q Applications
There are a lot of Xilinx XC2S200E6PQ208Q FPGAs applications.