Fpga chips is supplied in the 900-BBGA, FCBGA package. There are FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY transistors in this type of FPGA. This device features 500 I/Os in order to transfer data in a more efficient manner. A fundamental building block consists of 406720 logic elements/cells. In this case, the FPGA part belongs to the Field Programmable Gate Arrays family. Using a Surface Mount connector, you can mount this FPGA module on the development board. In order to operate it, it requires a voltage supply of 0.97V~1.03V . As part of the Kintex?-7 series of FPGAs, it is a type of FPGA. As far as the operating temperature is concerned, it should be kept within -40°C~100°C TJ when operating. In order to make this device as versatile as possible, there are 500 different outputs included. Unlike other FPGA models, this one is contained in Tray for the sake of space saving. 900 terminations are present in total. Having a RAM bit size of 29306880 means that this device will offer you a lot of memory. Parts related to this part can be found using its base part number XC7K410T. The RAM si3.5MBe of this FPGA module reaches 3.5MB so as to guarantee the normal operation of the program during operation. 900 pins are designed into the device. 31775 LABs/CLBs are configured on this FPGA. In order for this FPGA to work properly in accordance with its specifications, it is necessary that it is mounted in Surface Mount. Designers can fully utilize its flexibility with 1V supply voltage. Fpga semiconductor is important to note that the data is stored and transferred in 508400 different registers.
XC7K410T-1FF900I Features
500 I/Os Up to 29306880 RAM bits 900 LABs/CLBs 508400 registers
XC7K410T-1FF900I Applications
There are a lot of Xilinx Inc. XC7K410T-1FF900I FPGAs applications.
Data center hardware accelerators
Medical Applications
Digital signal processing
Radar and Sensors
Voice recognition
Medical imaging
Automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)