In the package 1517-BBGA, FCBGA, this product is provided. Having 600 I/Os makes data transfers more coherent. A fundamental building block contains 1150000 logic elements or cells. An FPGA module can be attached to a development board with a Surface Mount-pin. The supply voltage of the device is 0.87V~0.93V , at which it runs. It is a type of FPGA that belongs to the Arria 10 GT series of FPGAs. Operating temperatures should be maintained within the 0°C~100°C TJ range at all times when the unit is in use. As a result of space limitations, this FPGA model has been included in Tray. The RAM bits that are offered by this fpga chips are 68857856. The FPGA is built as an array of 427200 latches or CLBs. As a supplier, 1517-FCBGA (40x40) is responsible for the package of its devices.
10AT115N4F40E4SGES Features
600 I/Os Up to 68857856 RAM bits
10AT115N4F40E4SGES Applications
There are a lot of Intel 10AT115N4F40E4SGES FPGAs applications.
Development Boards and Shields for Microcontrollers