In terms of uPs and uCs as well as peripheral ICs, this is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. Total terminations are 775. You should be able to turn on and run the embedded microprocessor with a voltage supply of 1.5V. In terms of architecture, it is a 64-Bit system. A 3GHz frequency is used by the CPU. For information about 775 pins, please refer to the datasheet. This microprocessor is a typical Microprocessors. As a result of its Surface Mount mounting, this CPU is widely used in a wide variety of applications. The top frequency of the CPU is expected to reach 3GHz. According to the datasheet, the embedded microprocessor requires 1.5V power supply. The CPU can only be supplied with voltage up to 75000mA. Microprocessors should never be supplied with voltages above 1.575V in normalcircumstances. CPU microprocessors should be fed with 850mV voltage.
BX80570E8400SLAPL Features
64-Bit Structure
BX80570E8400SLAPL Applications
There are a lot of Intel BX80570E8400SLAPL Microprocessor applications.